Full Committee Hearing

Full Committee Markup - FY13 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Bill

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For Immediate Release:  May 24, 2012

Contact:  Rob Blumenthal w/Mikulski 202-224-1010    Eve Goldsher 202-224-3751

Summary: State, Foreign Operations Subcommittee

Full Committee Markup

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved, by a vote of 29-1, the fiscal year 2013 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Chairman of the Subcommittee, released the following statement:

"This bill totals $52.1 billion, which is $2.6 billion below the President's budget request, and $1.2 billion below the Fiscal Year 2012 level. Because the Iraqi police training program has not progressed as hoped, and our relations with Pakistan have been stalled for months, Senator Graham and I have not used $881 million that the full Committee initially recommended for the Subcommittee. That is money we are saving the taxpayers."

"At the same time, we address many national security threats that are ongoing, from countering extremism in the Sahel region of Africa to building democratic institutions in Central America. We include a new Middle East and North Africa Incentive Fund requested by the President, to respond to rapidly changing events in that volatile region. We continue support for critical humanitarian relief and global health programs, including for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief."

"This is a bipartisan bill that addresses the priorities of Senators of both parties. To get there, Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and I have each made compromises. There are some things in the bill that he does not like, and the same goes for me. But they are the exception. Senator Graham is a well informed and passionate advocate for U.S. global leadership, and I greatly appreciate his input and support, as I know Secretary Clinton does."

Summary of Bill

The subcommittee bill includes $52.1 billion in discretionary spending, a decrease of $1.2 billion below the fiscal year 2012 enacted level, and $2.6 billion below the fiscal year 2013 budget request. The bill is $881 million below the initial Committee recommendation of $53 billion. Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding is limited to the frontline states of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.

Department of State: The bill includes $11.4 billion for Administration of Foreign Affairs, including $8.9 billion for Diplomatic and Consular Programs (DCP), of which $2.1 billion is for Worldwide Security Protection.

In addition, the bill includes $625 million for Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs; $733 million for the Broadcasting Board of Governors; $1.6 billion for Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance; $1.5 billion for assessed Contributions to International Organizations; and $2 billion for assessed Contributions for International Peacekeeping Operations (contributions for peacekeeping activities for Somalia are funded under title IV of the bill).

USAID Operating Expenses: The bill includes $1.4 billion for United States Agency for International Development Operating Expenses. An additional $51 million is included for the USAID Office of the Inspector General.

Iraq: The bill includes a total of $1.1 billion for Iraq, of which $450 million is for Department of State operations; $582.3 million is for foreign assistance; no funding is included for the police development program; and funding for the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction totals $6 million. Conditions on assistance, similar to those in prior fiscal years, are continued.

Afghanistan: The bill includes a total of $3.5 billion for Afghanistan, of which $1.6 billion is for Department of State operations; $1.6 billion is for foreign assistance; and $49.9 million in OCO is recommended for the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Conditions on assistance, similar to those in prior fiscal years, are continued.

Pakistan: The bill includes a total of $1 billion for Pakistan, of which $184 million is for Department of State operations; $800.3 million is for foreign assistance, including $50 million for the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund. Conditions on assistance, similar to those in prior fiscal years, are continued.

Global Health Initiative: The bill includes $8.5 billion for Global Health Programs, of which $2.9 billion is for USAID health programs, and $5.6 billion is for the Department of State. Within the total, $5.9 billion is for HIV/AIDS programs, including $1.65 billion for a U.S. contribution to the Global Fund; $285 million is to combat tuberculosis; $670 million is to combat malaria; $679 million is for Maternal and Child Health; $700 million is for Family Planning and Reproductive Health (from all accounts in the bill); $125 million is for Neglected Tropical Diseases; and $75 million is for pandemic influenza and other emerging threats.

Development and Economic Assistance: The bill includes $3.1 billion for Development Assistance and $5.1 billion for Economic Support Fund/ESF. ESF assistance for Egypt totals $250 million, and for Jordan $410 million.

Security Programs: The bill includes $8.6 billion for International Security Assistance Programs, of which $1.5 billion is for counternarcotics and law enforcement programs/INCLE; $695.7 million is for nonproliferation and counterterrorism programs/NADR; $391.1 million is for peacekeeping operations/PKO, including contributions for the expanded peacekeeping operations for Somalia; $103 million is for military training programs/IMET; $5.8 billion is for Foreign Military Financing Program/FMF (includes $3.1 billion for Israel; $300 million for Jordan; and $1.3 billion for Egypt); $50 million for the PCCF; and $25 million is for the Global Stability Contingency Fund.

Millennium Challenge Corporation: The bill includes $898.2 million for the MCC.

Refugees/Disasters/Incentive Fund: The bill includes $2.3 billion for migration and refugee assistance and an additional $50 million for the Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund.

The bill includes $1.3 billion for International Disaster Assistance; $59 million for Transition Initiatives; and $50 million for the Complex Crises Fund.

The bill includes $1 billion the Middle East and North Africa Incentive Fund, a new account to support transition, political reform, and economic growth in those regions.

Peace Corps: The bill includes $400 million for the Peace Corps.

Multilateral Assistance: The bill includes a total of $3.3 billion for Multilateral Assistance, of which $3 billion is for International Financial Institutions and $375 million is for voluntary contributions to International Organizations and Programs. Of this total, $1.7 billion is for the World Bank Group, including for payment of arrears; $300 million is for the International Clean Technology Fund; $100 million is for the International Strategic Climate Fund; $200 million is for the Global Food Security Fund; and $44.5 million is for the U.N. Population Fund.

Other Programs/Issues: The bill includes $800 million for basic education; $1.15 billion for environment and energy programs; $1.2 billion for food security and agricultural development; and $350 million for water and sanitation programs.

The bill includes $103.9 million for administrative expenses of the Export-Import Bank; $60.8 million for administrative expenses of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation; $57.6 million for the Trade and Development Agency; $17 million for The Asia Foundation; and $38.2 million for the U.S. Institute of Peace.