
Cochran Presses for Passage of FY2017 Omnibus Appropriations

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Appropriations Committee chairman Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) today pressed for passage of a hard-fought agreement to provide funding for national defense and domestic needs. 

The fiscal year 2017 omnibus appropriations legislation is a package of 11 regular appropriations bills for FY2017, as well as funding in response to the Trump administration’s request for additional appropriations for national defense and border security.  Funding is also included for disaster and famine relief, and to permanently extend health care benefits for certain miners.  Congress has until May 5 to pass the measure. 

“This legislation provides necessary resources for our national security and to meet other priorities for the American people.  The bill is the product of bipartisan negotiations within Congress and with the new administration.  It merits our support,” Cochran said. 

The legislation dedicates significant resources toward needed procurement, operations and maintenance funding for the Department of Defense, including increased Overseas Contingency Operations funding to support U.S. missions overseas.  It supports President Trump’s request for additional appropriations to accelerate the campaign to defeat ISIS and support ongoing operations in Afghanistan. 

The measure also makes the largest investment in border security in almost a decade, including funding sought by the President for immigration enforcement and for additional technology, infrastructure, and enhanced support for personnel to secure the Southwest border. 

Programs to foster economic development and job security receive funding in the bill, as do initiatives to support American veterans and combat the opioid crisis.  The measure also provides for implementation of education reforms focused on shifting more responsibility, control and accountability to states and local school districts. 

Additionally, the measure makes resources available for flood and hurricane relief.  It also permanently extends health care benefits to certain retired miners and their families under the United Mine Workers Association 1993 Benefit Plan, otherwise scheduled to expire May 5.  The agreement would also reallocate funding for the health care system in Puerto Rico. 

Throughout the omnibus measure, funding for more than 150 programs or initiatives has been terminated, rescinded or consolidated.  The bill and accompanying statement include provisions to restrict bureaucratic excess and reduce waste, fraud and abuse. 

The following are links to the legislative text, in addition to summaries for each of the FY2017 appropriations bills incorporated into the legislation: 

Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2017 

Additional Appropriations for Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs 

Additional Appropriations for Homeland Security 

Additional Appropriations for Disaster Relief 

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Commerce, Justice Science, and Related Agencies 


Energy and Water Development 

Financial Services and General Government 

Homeland Security 

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies 

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies 

Legislative Branch 

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs 

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies 

The FY2017 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill was signed into law in December.
