
Statement of Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On the Shelby, Inhofe Amendment

Providing a dollar to the Defense department for every dollar of non-defense spending is simply arbitrary, and would lead to absurd results.  Under this amendment, if we pass an infrastructure bill through reconciliation providing a $2 trillion dollars to fix our roads and bridges and build out broadband, we would then have to provide $2 trillion dollars for defense, nearly tripling that budget. 

I welcome a debate about the appropriate levels for defense and non-defense spending in Fiscal Year 2022, but not by creating arbitrary rules and not on this bill.  The Budget Control Act expires this year, and that is a good thing.  We have lost ground in education, child care, environmental protections, affordable housing, and scientific research.  That is why President Biden has proposed a 16 percent increase for non-defense spending.  So I welcome this debate, but this is not the place for it.    

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