Majority News Releases

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Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Statement on the Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Conference Report

I am pleased to be here at the second appropriations conference of Fiscal Year 2019. The two bills before us-the Defense Appropriations bill, and the Labor, HHS, and Education bills-are the product of months of hard work and bipartisan cooperation, and I am pleased that we have been able to work out all of the differences between the House and Senate bills. These bills make important investments not only in our national security but also in the future of our country. Together they demons… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Statement On Senate Passage Of The Defense, LHHS “Minibus” Appropriations Bill

The Senate, and Congress as a whole, best serves the American people when we reach real, bipartisan solutions. Today, the Senate will pass its third bipartisan appropriations package, completing Senate consideration of nine of the 12 appropriations bills reported by the Senate Appropriations Committee and accounting for 87 percent of all discretionary spending. We are proving that when we put partisan politics aside, we can do the work of the American people. This progress would not have bee… Continue Reading


SUMMARY: FY2019 Defense Appropriations Bill Approved by Subcommittee

Washington, D.C. - The Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2019, provides $607.1 billion for the base budget of the Department of Defense, and $67.9 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations. U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense, said: "This defense bill makes investment in innovation a top priority for our Armed Forces and our Nation. Working with Chairman Shelby, we have written a bill that provides for the largest R&D budget in the hi… Continue Reading



WASHINGTON-U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), vice chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, and U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), vice chairman of the Appropriations Committee, released the following statement on the release of the Fiscal Year 2018 Defense Appropriations Act. The bill exceeds President Trump's request by $15.3 billion, and exceeds the sequestration caps by $70 billion. This is a step forward, though we remain deeply concerned about the process. So befo… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The President's FY 18 Funding Request For The Department Of Defense

Thank you, Chairman Cochran and Ranking Member Durbin, for the opportunity to make these brief remarks. Welcome to Secretary Mattis and General Dunford. This Committee benefits from your expertise and your candor. It has been almost 3 months since you last testified before this Committee, and there has been no shortage of world events in that short time. American missiles have targeted and struck Syrian forces. A massive ransomware cyberattack spread around the globe. North Korea has tested n… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On The Subcommittee Hearing: “A Review of the FY18 Funding Request for the Army”

Thank you, Chairman Cochran and Ranking Member Durbin, for holding this hearing. Welcome General Milley, and Acting Secretary Speer. The mission of our Army today is unique. Ongoing conflicts around the world require our military to be ready, at any moment, to defend against threats to our national security, including the extremism and violence that undermine our core values. While today we will surely discuss the shortfalls the Army is facing, I think it is important to note the Army's succ… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The Defense Appropriations Sub Committee Hearing: “A Review Of The Budget And Readiness Of The Department Of Defense”

Thank you, Chairman Cochran and Ranking Member Durbin, for holding this important hearing to review the budget and readiness of the Department of Defense. The 2017 supplemental that President Trump has proposed for the Department of Defense would exceed the spending caps for defense set in the Budget Control Act, triggering sequestration and across-the-board cuts for the Department of Defense, in just 10 weeks, if the law is not changed. I believe all Members of this Subcommittee should work c… Continue Reading


Comment of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman, On The FY 2017 Defense Appropriations Bill

[WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, March 2, 2017) - Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Thursday issued the following statement on the FY 2017 Defense Appropriations bill. The House of Representatives is expected to debate the FY 2017 Defense Appropriations bill next week. The bill is the result of the work of Republicans and Democrats in the House and the Senate and is consistent with the discretionary spending caps in the Bipartisan Budget Act.] "It's constructive that t… Continue Reading


Mikulski Floor Statement on Reed-Mikulski Amendment

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, spoke on the Senate floor about the Reed-Mikulski amendment to keep parity between defense and non-defense spending.


The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

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Mikulski Statement at Full Committee Markup of FY17 Defense and Homeland Security Appropriations Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, participated in a Full Committee markup to consider the fiscal year 2017 Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations bills.


The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

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FY17 Defense Full Committee Markup Bill Summary

Washington, D.C.  The Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Act, 2017 provides $574.6 billion in base and Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO) funding, compared to $572.9 billion enacted in fiscal year 2016 and $576.5 billion in the President’s budget request.  The base budget appropriation is $516 billion with $58.6 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations of the Department of Defense. 


The Subcommittee’s allocation conforms to the spending levels set by the Bipartisan Budget Act and provides adequate resources to protect America’s national defense needs, both at home and overseas. 

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FY17 Defense Subcommittee Markup Bill Summary

Washington, D.C. The Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Act, 2017 provides $574.6 billion in base and Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO) funding, compared to $572.9 billion enacted in fiscal year 2016 and $576.5 billion in the President’s budget request.  The base budget appropriation is $516 billion with $58.6 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations of the Department of Defense. 

The Subcommittee’s allocation conforms to the spending levels set by the Bipartisan Budget Act and provides adequate resources to protect America’s national defense needs, both at home and overseas.  

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Vice Chairwoman Mikulski Statement on Defense Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement after the Senate voted on final passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (NDAA) and on the motion to proceed to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016: "Mr. President, I rise today to commend the honorable men and women in Maryland - including the 28,939 men and women on active duty, the 6,223 in the N… Continue Reading


FY16 Defense Full Committee Markup Bill Summary

Contact:Mara Stark-Alcalá w/Appropriations: (202) 224-2667 Durbin Press Office: (202) 228-5244 SUMMARYDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FISCAL YEAR 2016 APPROPRIATIONS BILLFull Committee Mark: June 11, 2015 Washington, D.C. - The Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Act, 2016 provides $575.9 billion in base and Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO) funding, compared to $554.2 billion enacted in fiscal year 2015 and $57… Continue Reading


Mikulski Opening Statement at Full Committee Markup of FY16 CJS, Defense & Legislative Branch Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS), participated in a Full Committee markup to consider the fiscal year 2016 Department of Defense; Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies; and Legislative Branch appropriations bills. The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski's remarks, as prepared for delivery: "Thank you, Chairman Cochran. … Continue Reading


FY16 CJS Subcommittee Markup Bill Summary

Contact:Mara Stark-Alcalá w/Appropriations: (202) 224-2667 Alanna Wellspeak w/Mikulski: (202) 228-1122 SUMMARYCOMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, AND RELATED AGENCIES FISCAL YEAR 2016 APPROPRIATIONS BILLSubcommittee Mark: June 10, 2015 Washington, D.C. - The fiscal year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill provides a total of $51.1 billion in discretion… Continue Reading


FY16 Department of Defense Subcommittee Markup Bill Summary

Contact:Mara Stark-Alcalá w/Appropriations: (202) 224-2667 Durbin Press Office: (202) 228-5244 SUMMARYDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FISCAL YEAR 2016 APPROPRIATIONS BILLSubcommittee Mark: June 9, 2015 Washington, D.C. - The Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Act, 2016 provides $575.9 billion in base and Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO) funding, compared to $554.2 billion enacted in fiscal year 2015 and $577.9… Continue Reading


Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Rosters Announced

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Chairman Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Vice Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) today announced members for the 12 subcommittees that make up the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The majority and minority rosters are listed below, along with the chairmen and ranking member designations that were announced earlier this month. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), chairmanRoy Blunt (R-Mo.)Thad Cochran (R-Miss.)Mi… Continue Reading


Chairwoman Mikulski Statement on Funding Request from White House to Fight Ebola Here and Abroad

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement on the President's request for emergency supplemental funding to address the Ebola outbreak: "We face a grave and deadly disease in the ongoing outbreak of Ebola, and I commend the President for acting to address this crisis at home and abroad. This Committee will evaluate the request and on Wednesday, November 12, we will convene a hearing that wil… Continue Reading


Mikulski on Senate approval of $225 million for Iron Dome

For Immediate ReleaseDate: August 1, 2014Contact: Vince Morris (202) 224-1010WASHINGTON, DC- U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement following the passage of an Emergency Supplemental Funding bill to assist Israel: "It's right that we help our friends in Israel and adopt the Mikulski-Reid-McConnell amendment. It's crucial that Israel has the opportunity to defend itself while others are working on cease… Continue Reading

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