Majority News Releases

Currently showing results related to Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

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Statement of Vice Chairman Leahy (D-Vt.) On The Conference Meeting For The "Minibus I" Appropriations Bill

I am pleased to be here for the first conference of the FY 2019 Appropriations season. The "minibus" before us contains three important appropriations bills. This minibus provides important resources for the support and care of our Nation's veterans, and it makes critical investments in our country's water infrastructure and energy programs. It also provides support to numerous agencies under the umbrella of the Legislative Branch. We have made a lot of progress toward an agreement that wil… Continue Reading


“Minibus” Conference Committee Delayed

WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, July 12, 2018) - Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Thursday expressed disappointment following the delay of the first Appropriations Conference Committee Meeting of the fiscal year 2019 appropriations process. Leahy is hopeful the meeting will be rescheduled and intends to offer an amendment that would facilitate funding for the VA Choice program, which was transferred only recently to the discretionary side of the budget as part of the… Continue Reading


Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Leahy On Passage Of The FY 2019 "Minibus" Appropriations Bill

Today we are voting on final passage of the first package of Senate appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2019. This "minibus" contains three appropriations bills - the Energy and Water Appropriations bill, the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill, and the Legislative Branch Appropriations bill. Chairman Shelby and I, working closely with Senator McConnell and Senator Schumer, have committed to getting the appropriations process back on track. Our strategy has been t… Continue Reading


Statement Of Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On the FY 2019 THUD Appropriations Bill and MilCon VA Appropriations Bill

The Committee has two bills before it today-the FY 2019 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Bill, and the FY 2019 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Bill. Both are the product of hard work and bipartisan cooperation by each of the subcommittees, and I urge members to support them. First, I want to thank Chairman Collins and Ranking Member Reed for producing a good, bipartisan bill free of poison pill riders. The Transportation, Ho… Continue Reading


Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) REAX To Trump Administration Opposing New Funding For The VA MISSION Act

We do our veterans no favors by promising care without backing it up with resources, and the administration saying that providing new funding to care for our veterans is "anathema to responsible spending" is shameful. Signing a bill then opposing the resources to fund it is no different than writing a rubber check. If the bill the President is signing is important to veterans - I believe that it is, and even the President will say that it is - then it needs to be funded to make it real. To tr… Continue Reading


SUMMARY -- FY2019 MilCon-VA Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Appropriations Subcommittee

Washington, D.C. -The U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs approved fiscal year 2019 funding legislation that provides $207.1 billion in total funding, including $98 billion in discretionary funding, $5.3 billion more than fiscal year 2018 enacted and $956.7 million more than the President's budget request level. In addition to the fiscal year 2019 funding, the bill provides $75.6 billion in fiscal year 2020 advance funding for veterans health c… Continue Reading


Appropriations Vice Chairman Leahy Statement At Hearing On VA Efforts To Prevent And Combat Opioid Over Medication

The opioid epidemic has reached every state - every community - in the country. It is impacting sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, friends and coworkers. And it is impacting our veterans and servicemembers. We have for over 16 years of war asked members of the active and reserve components to serve an unprecedented numbers of deployments, leaving too many veterans broken and in pain. When we needed these brave men and women to return to battle, it was too easy to prescribe opioids for … Continue Reading


SUMMARY: MilCon-VA Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Appropriations Committee

WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, July 13, 2017) - The fiscal year 2018 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill provides $192.8 billion in total funding, including $88.9 billion in discretionary funding, $6 billion more than fiscal year 2017 enacted and $568 million less than the President's budget request. Mandatory funding, which is provided for veterans' compensation, pension and education benefits, totals $103.9 billion, $1.4 billion more than fiscal year 2017 en… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On the FY 2018 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill

Good Morning Chairman Cochran and members of the Committee. I am pleased to be here and look forward to my first Appropriations Committee markup as Vice Chairman. I am particularly pleased to be sitting next to my good friend from Mississippi, Thad Cochran. He and I have been friends for many years, and I look forward to working with him this year to move these bills forward in a bipartisan manner, which has been a hallmark of this Committee. Chairman Cochran and I are both committed to ret… Continue Reading


MilCon-VA Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Subcommittee

WASHINGTON (WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2017) - The fiscal year 2018 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill provides $192.8 billion in total funding, including $88.9 billion in discretionary funding, $6 billion more than fiscal year 2017 enacted and $568 million less than the President's budget request. Mandatory funding, which is provided for veterans compensation, pension and education benefits, totals $103.9 billion, $1.4 billion more than fiscal year 2017 en… Continue Reading


Vice Chairwoman Mikulski Statement on Republican VA-Military Construction and Zika Conference Report Cloture Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, submitted the following statement for the record before the vote to end debate on the Republican conference report for the fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill and Zika virus supplemental funding.

The following is Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s statement for the record:

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Vice Chairwoman Mikulski Statement on Republican Conference Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement in response to the Republican conference agreement for the fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill and Zika virus supplemental funding:

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Mikulski Statement at Military Construction-Veterans Affairs and Zika Conference Meeting

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, participated in the first meeting of the Senate and House conference on the fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, H.R. 2577.  The bill also includes Zika virus emergency funding.


The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

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Mikulski Floor Statement on Reed-Mikulski Amendment

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, spoke on the Senate floor about the Reed-Mikulski amendment to keep parity between defense and non-defense spending.


The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

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Vice Chairwoman Mikulski Statement on the FY17 THUD & Military Construction-VA Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, submitted a statement for the record on the fiscal year 2017 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.  Subsequently, the Senate passed the bill 89-8.


Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s statement follows:

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FY17 Military Construction & VA Full Committee Markup Bill Summary

Washington, D.C. – Today the U.S. Senate Appropriations Full Committee ordered reported the fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, which provides $83 billion in discretionary funding, $3.2 billion above the fiscal year 2016 enacted level.


In addition to discretionary funding, the bill provides $102.5 billion in mandatory compensation and pension funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  The bill also provides $66.4 billion in fiscal year 2018 advance funding for veterans health care and $103.9 billion for fiscal year 2018 advance funding for the VA’s compensation and pensions mandatory accounts.

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Mikulski Statement at First Full Committee Markup of Fiscal Year 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, participated in the first fiscal year 2017 Full Committee markup.  The Committee considered the fiscal year 2017 subcommittee allocations as well as the fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill and the fiscal year 2017 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill.


The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

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FY17 Military Construction & VA Subcommittee Markup Bill Summary

Washington, D.C. – The fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill provides $83 billion in discretionary funding, $3.2 billion above the fiscal year 2016 enacted level.

In addition to discretionary funding, the bill provides $102.5 billion in mandatory compensation and pension funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  The bill also provides $66.4 billion in fiscal year 2018 advance funding for veterans health care and $103.9 billion for fiscal year 2018 advance funding for the VA’s compensation and pensions mandatory accounts.

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FY16 Military Construction & Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Full Committee Markup Bill Summary

Contact:Mara Stark-Alcalá w/Appropriations: (202) 224-2667 Marnee Banks w/Tester (202) 228-0371 SUMMARYMILITARY CONSTRUCTION AND VETERANS AFFAIRS, AND RELATED AGENCIES FISCAL YEAR 2016 APPROPRIATIONS BILLFull Committee Mark: May 21, 2015 Washington, D.C. - The fiscal year 2016 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agency Appropriations Bill provides a t… Continue Reading


Mikulski Offers Alternative Allocations, Providing the Needed Resources for America’s Security & Future

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, participated in the first fiscal year 2016 Full Committee markup. The Committee considered the fiscal year 2016 subcommittee allocations as well as the fiscal year 2016 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MilCon-VA) bill and the fiscal year 2016 Energy and Water Development (E&W) bill. The following are Vice Chairwoman Mikulski's remarks, … Continue Reading

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