
Appropriations Committee Approves FY 2014 Spending Allocations; MilConVA & Agriculture Bills


For Immediate Release: June 20, 2013

Contact: Rob Blumenthal/Eve Goldsher 202-224-7363

Committee Approves FY 2014 Spending Allocations; Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Bill; and Agriculture Bill

Washington, DC -- The Senate Committee on Appropriations today adopted fiscal year 2014 spending allocations by a vote of 15-14, and approved the FY 2014 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs bill by a vote of 23-6; and the Agriculture Appropriations bill also by a vote of 23-6. Both measures will be reported to the full Senate for its consideration.

Chairwoman Mikulski's opening statement, subcommittee allocations, and summaries of the bills approved by the full committee today are below:

Chairwoman Mikulski's Opening Statement FY 2014 Subcommittee Spending Allocations

Summary: Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (Chairman Johnson)

Bill: Military Construction and Veterans Affairs

Report: Military Construction and Veterans Affairs

Summary: Agriculture (Chairman Pryor)

Bill: Agriculture

Report: Agriculture