
Appropriations Vice Chairman Leahy REAX To House Appropriations Committee Passing The DHS Appropriations Bill

[(WASHINGTON—THURSDAY, July 26, 2018) – The House Appropriations Committee Wednesday passed the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill out of the House Appropriations Committee, continuing a partisan process of passing bills that have no chance of passing the Senate.  The House bill contains $5 billion for a border wall, $3.9 billion more than the President’s request, along America’s Southern Border.  It also includes drastic increases for Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and an additional 3,500 detention beds, which are non-starters in the Senate.] 

“It is a shame that House Republican appropriators are continuing to force President Trump’s inhumane and nonsensical immigration policies through their committee.  Wasting $5 billion of the American taxpayer’s money on a cynical, symbolic, and ineffective border wall — a wall the president has repeatedly promised Mexico would pay for — is a non-starter in the Senate. 

“House Republicans should abandon their partisan appropriations process. There is a better way. 

“In the Senate, Chairman Shelby and I have kept poison-pills out of the Appropriations Committee.  We passed all 12 of our bills out of committee with bipartisan support and in line with the bipartisan budget agreement reached by Congress, and signed by the President, in February.”   

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CONTACT: Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667