
Appropriations Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy’s Statement On President Trump’s Rescissions Package

Earlier this year, Congress worked together to pass a bipartisan budget agreement to provide relief to the American people from sequestration and help us responsibly fund the federal government.  We are now focused on moving forward on a bipartisan track to complete the fiscal year 2019 Appropriations bills based on that agreement.  President Trump’s effort to reduce spending on the backs of children, families, and the most vulnerable among us doesn’t help us achieve these goals, especially in the wake of a massive tax cut and giveaway for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, which added $1.9 trillion to our debt. 

The Senate should focus on the job before us – drafting the fiscal year 2019 bills – not undoing the good work that has already been accomplished.   

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CONTACT: Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667