
BREAKING: Senate Approps Vice Chair Leahy REAX To McConnell/Trump Stimulus Proposal + Analysis From The Vice Chair's Office.

Earlier this week I made clear that Senate Republicans’ plan to proceed with a “Republican Consensus” proposal without bipartisan input from Democrats would be a waste of time and only delay aid from reaching the American people.  It is extremely disappointing that my words fell on deaf ears.  If ever there were a time to work directly across the aisle for the good of the nation, this is it.

While I welcome direct financial assistance to American families, the McConnell/Trump Republican proposal puts the interests of corporations over workers and American families.  It inadequately funds federal, state, and local efforts on the ground to blunt the spread of this disease and prevent our health care system from being overwhelmed.  It fails to invest in programs the American people will rely on during this crisis, which have already begun to reach a breaking point. This proposal contains no funding for first responders, child care, schools, help for the homeless, or veterans medical care, to name a few.  Senator McConnell has said that the emergency appropriations for these programs should be addressed on a separate track, but there is no time for that. Communities and the American people need these resources now.  This proposal is a non-starter and has delayed bipartisan negotiations for days.  

If health care workers, grocery store clerks, first responders, truck drivers, government employees and many more can continue – at personal risk – to do the necessary work to get our country through this crisis, Congress should be able to sit down, work this out, and reach a bipartisan agreement – not trade partisan proposal talking points.

I will continue to urge members from both chambers to begin bipartisan negotiations immediately. 

[An Analysis Of The Republican Proposal Prepared By Vice Chairman Leahy’s Office Is Available HERE: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/download/republican-proposal-leaves-workers-and-people-behind ]

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CONTACT: Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667