
Chairwoman Mikulski says Appropriators making steady progress on Omnibus

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement:
“I thought Chairman Hal Rogers put out an excellent statement. I support his analysis. The agency that will implement the President’s executive order is financed through fees, not appropriations. That agency has the authority to operate under a continuing resolution, or even a shutdown.”
“Chairman Rogers and I want to do our job. We have important national security concerns, we have legislation that meets compelling human needs and deals with everything from jobs to public health and safety including Ebola response and preparedness funding. We’re negotiating across the aisle and across the dome. We’re meeting our constitutionally mandated responsibility by keeping the government open and working on behalf of the American people. We continue to make steady progress.”