
Chairwoman Mikulski Statement on President’s Emergency Funding Request

Contact: Vince Morris (202) 224-1010
WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement in response to the President’s $4.3 billion emergency funding request:
“The Appropriations Committee has received the President’s request for $4.3 billion to address two immediate emergencies: the refuge crisis of unaccompanied children arriving by thousands on the Southwestern border and the emerging disasters caused by wildfires, primarily in the Western states, that threaten lives and property.
“Already this year, 52,000 unaccompanied children crossed the border. As many as 90,000 are expected by the end of this year. The President’s request totals $3.7 billion for the protection of the health and safety of children who have already arrived, detention and enforcement at the border, final resolution of the immigration cases, and deterrence in Central America to stop families from sending children in the first place.
“Without these emergency funds, children will continue to suffer, Customs and Border Patrol agents’ ability to meet their mission will be compromised, and Central American families will continue to fall victim to false promises from smugglers and organized crime.
“I will be chairing a full Committee hearing on Thursday, July 10, to examine the President’s request to meet these ongoing needs. I look forward to hearing the Administration’s plan for solving this complex crisis while using taxpayer dollars wisely.”
“Another urgent need is fighting dangerous and devastating fires, primarily in the Western states.  The President has requested $615 million to prevent and suppress wildfires. We can’t stand idle while lives and livelihoods are at stake.”