
Comment of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman, On The FY 2017 Defense Appropriations Bill

[WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, March 2, 2017) – Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Thursday issued the following statement on the FY 2017 Defense Appropriations bill.  The House of Representatives is expected to debate the FY 2017 Defense Appropriations bill next week.  The bill is the result of the work of Republicans and Democrats in the House and the Senate and is consistent with the discretionary spending caps in the Bipartisan Budget Act.]

“It’s constructive that the appropriations process is finally moving forward again, and I look forward to continue working with Chairman Cochran and with the Committee’s Republican and Democratic members in the weeks ahead as our April 28 deadline fast approaches. 

“Although it is a promising start, this is only one of 11 appropriations bills we must complete.  Now that one party controls the White House and both chambers of Congress, it is incumbent upon them to continue to move us toward that finish line by ensuring that any changes to one bill do not come at the cost of another, and by keeping partisan politics out of the appropriations process.

“We must fund the entire government in a way that is consistent with the Bipartisan Budget Act, and I look forward to completing that process by April 28.”

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