
Mikulski and Lowey Statement Following Meeting with President Obama


Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) and Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) today released the following statement after meeting with President Obama about the Appropriations process:


“We were pleased to meet with President Obama at the White House this morning regarding the Appropriations process.


“The budget agreement signed into law yesterday is a positive step that ensures the full faith and credit of this nation and makes it possible to develop spending bills that invest in this nation’s future.  But there is still much work to be done in order to avoid another damaging government shutdown after December 11th.


“We are hopeful that Democrats and Republicans can work across the aisle and across the dome to negotiate a full-year Appropriations package that invests in our national security, jobs, and critical services on which hard-working American families rely.  Democrats will stand strong and united against poison pill riders, and in support of responsible investments to move this nation forward.”


Press Contact

Mara Stark-Alcala (Mikulski) 202-224-2667

Matt Dennis (Lowey) 202-225-3481