
REAX Of Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On Being Appointed To President Trump’s Council To Reopen America

If the President is genuinely reaching out to listen to candid and diverse views on a decision that will profoundly affect millions of Americans for years to come, I look forward to sharing my views.  They will be candid, and he knows if I disagree, I will tell him.

Decisions affecting the public health of the American people must reflect the economic distress and sacrifices that are being borne in communities across Vermont and the nation.  And to succeed, they must be based on facts and medical science, backed up with the necessary resources, or we risk plunging the nation into a deeper crisis down the road.  

Failure to do this will only squander the sacrifices already made by the American people.  In a spirit of optimism and goodwill, I look forward to working with the President and the other members of this council. 

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