
REAX of Vice Chairman Leahy To Reports That President Trump Will Divert An Additional $7.2 Billion For His Border Wall

[Monday night, the Washington Post reported that President Trump and his administration intend to confiscate $7.2 billion appropriated for military construction projects and counter-narcotics programs to build his ineffective wall along the Southern border.  In fiscal year 2019, President Trump confiscated $6.3 billion from the military and military families to fund his vanity wall.  For fiscal year 2020, the President requested $8.6 billion for his wall, and Congress specifically chose to provide only $1.375 billion.]

For the second year in a row, President Trump intends to fund his extreme, anti-immigrant agenda on the backs of the women and men of our military and military families against the will of Congress.  Time and again, experts have said that a wall does nothing to stem the tide of migrant families fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries.  But, President Trump has insisted on continuing to waste billions of taxpayer dollars on a monument to his own vanity, which coincidentally can be scaled with a rope ladder or cut through with a $100 saw. 

Today, a school in Kentucky remains in disrepair, a medical center in North Carolina remains unbuilt, and U.S. military facilities across the globe continue to deteriorate because of what the President did last year.  This is not even to mention the billions he diverted from counter-narcotics programs that actually interrupt the flow of illegal drugs into our country.  All of this to pay for a wall he promised Mexico would pay for.

Now the President intends to double down on his smash-and-grab strategy of funding his border wall.  To say this is unacceptable and infuriating would be an understatement.  Once again the President continues to abuse the separation of powers in our Constitution.  It takes votes from Republicans in Congress to put a stop to this.  When will they stand up to this President and stand up for the Constitution?  

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CONTACT:  Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667