
Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On The Senate Rejecting President Trump’s Rescission Package

The Senate has reinforced the bipartisan, bicameral budget deal struck by Congress four months ago by rejecting President Trump’s shortsighted rescission package.  The message that this vote sends at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue will be heard loudly and clearly. 

Here in the Senate, we are committed to making the appropriations process work again.  The Appropriations Committee has reported seven, bipartisan appropriations bills, and we will consider three more tomorrow in committee.  This week, we are considering three of those bipartisan bills on the Senate Floor.  Rejecting the rescission bill will allow us to continue that work.

President Trump’s rescission package was an unnecessary distraction from this progress. 

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CONTACT: Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667