
Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) REAX To President Trump Signing The Appropriations “Minibus 1” Bill

“This bill is the product of a bipartisan agreement among Chairman Shelby, Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer and myself.  It is free of partisan policy riders, has broad bipartisan support, and it complies with the Bipartisan Budget Agreement reached in February.  This is a successful framework that we should continue to follow to complete the remaining nine appropriations bills to ensure the Government of the American people stays open for business.  I am glad that President Trump signed onto our bipartisan vision for the appropriations process today.

“However, I remain disappointed that this bill does not  accommodate funding for the costs associated with the VA Choice program under the recently enacted MISSION Act.  The bill the President signed today leaves a funding gap in May of 2019, expected to grow to more than $8 billion in fiscal year 2020.  We do our veterans no favors when we make promises we do not keep, and I will continue to fight in Congress to make sure they receive the care they deserve.”

LINK Leahy’s full statement from Senate passage of “Minibus 1”: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/news/minority/vice-chairman-patrick-leahy-d-vt-statement-on-on-senate-passage-of-the-minibus-i-conference-report

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CONTACT: Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667