
Shelby Highlights Global Security Concerns, Stresses Need for Strong Intelligence Apparatus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and its subcommittee on defense, today considered the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) funding request and budget justification for the Intelligence Community during a defense subcommittee hearing.  During the closed hearing, the following witnesses testified before the subcommittee: Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence; William J. Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; and General Paul M. Nakasone, Director of the National Security Agency.


Vice Chairman Shelby’s opening remarks are as follows:


“Director Haines, Director Burns, and General Nakasone, welcome.


“Thank you for being here today to present the Intelligence Community’s fiscal year 2023 budget request, and to provide the Committee with an update on the challenges that your agencies are facing.


“While our attention is currently focused on providing support to Ukraine, our adversaries continue to erode our strategic advantage. 


“China is clearly our pacing threat and will continue to be our long-term focus as it continues its world-wide expansion, advances in space-based capabilities, missile technology, and hypersonic weapons.


“North Korea continues to be a challenge by routinely testing its ballistic missiles.  It also appears to be on the cusp of another nuclear warhead test.  At the same time, Iran continues its own pursuit of a nuclear weapon.


“Cyberattacks are growing in sophistication, leaving our critical infrastructure vulnerable.


“Given this complex security environment, I am disappointed that the Administration chose not to build on Congress’s FY22 bipartisan commitment to increasing resources for your work. 


“This subcommittee remains committed to providing the necessary resources to maintain a robust intelligence apparatus.


“I look forward to hearing how your fiscal year 2023 budget request addresses these evolving challenges.  Thank you.”

