Majority News Releases


Senate Appropriations Committee Democrats Offer $1.6 Billion Amendment To Care For Nation’s Veterans

WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, July 13, 2017) -- Democrats on the Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday offered a $1.6 billion amendment that would have supported the health care of thousands of veterans across the country and bolstered the Department of Veterans Affairs. The amendment, which was offered by Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), was rejected in Committee by a vote of 15 to 16. The amendment was the first of a series to be offered by the Appropriations Committee Democrats to demand parity… Continue Reading


MilCon-VA Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Subcommittee

WASHINGTON (WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2017) - The fiscal year 2018 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill provides $192.8 billion in total funding, including $88.9 billion in discretionary funding, $6 billion more than fiscal year 2017 enacted and $568 million less than the President's budget request. Mandatory funding, which is provided for veterans compensation, pension and education benefits, totals $103.9 billion, $1.4 billion more than fiscal year 2017 en… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The President's FY 18 Funding Request For The EPA

Chairwoman Murkowski and Ranking Member Udall, this is an important hearing. The Trump administration has demonstrated its clear contempt for the critical work historically done by the Environmental Protection Agency to protect and preserve our environment. I wonder how you can look at this Committee and defend this as a plan to uphold the Agency's mission. Where we should be doubling down on our investment to protect our environment and curb the effects of climate change, this administrat… Continue Reading


Dem Leaders Urge Path Forward As Funding Deadline And Sequestration Loom

WASHINGTON (MONDAY, June 26, 2017) -- Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer and Senators Patrick Leahy, Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Dick Durbin, Patty Murray and Debbie Stabenow Monday laid a path forward to complete the annual appropriations bills and to lift the irresponsible, post-sequester spending caps before the September 30 deadline to fund the government for fiscal year 2018. In a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Appropriations Committ… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The FY 18 Budget Request For The National Institutes Of Health

Thank you, Chairman Blunt and Ranking Member Murray, for holding this important hearing today, and for the opportunity to make a few brief remarks. Welcome, Dr. Collins. Unfortunately, the President's proposed budget displays a fundamental lack of understanding of the role of government of, by, and for the people, in supporting the middle class, lifting up the most vulnerable among us, and serving our values and interests as a nation. Sequestration has had devastating consequences for both d… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The President's FY 18 Funding Request For The U.S. Department Of Energy

I want to thank Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Feinstein for having this hearing today to discuss the administration's Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request for the Department of Energy. Secretary Perry, the Energy Department is one that has a wide array of responsibilities and roles in this country and internationally. Secretary Perry on your first day on the job you challenged the Department's employees to "go change the world." You remarked how you were quickly learning what a consequent… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The FY 18 Budget Request For The Federal Communications Commission

Thank you, Chairwoman Capito and Ranking Member Coons, for the opportunity to make brief remarks. The Trump budget proposal for FY 2018 cuts funding for the FCC's core budget by 5 percent. If implemented it would require a reduction in over 100 full-time employees. While this proposed cut may pale in comparison to the drastic cuts President Trump proposed for other agencies, it is a significant for an agency whose budget has been flat-funded since FY 2009. Perhaps this is a reflection of an… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On FY 18 FDA Budget Request

Thank you, Chairman Hoeven and Ranking Member Merkley, for holding this hearing today to examine the President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget proposal for the Food and Drug Administration. And thank you, Commissioner Gottlieb, for joining us here today. I thank the Chair and Ranking Member for giving me the opportunity to offer a few opening remarks. The Food and Drug Administration has an enormous responsibility to ensure the safety of all Americans. From our food supply, to pharmaceuticals and … Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The President's FY 18 Funding Request For The Department Of Health And Human Services

Thank you, Chairman Blunt and Ranking Member Murray, for holding this important hearing today, and for the opportunity to make a few brief remarks. Secretary Price, welcome to the Appropriations Committee. I appreciate you reaching out to my office prior to this hearing, and I am sorry that given the schedule of the week, we were unable to connect. The purview of the Department of Health and Human Services is wide in scope and touches the lives of every American. But, as with other dep… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The President's FY 18 Funding Request For The Department Of Defense

Thank you, Chairman Cochran and Ranking Member Durbin, for the opportunity to make these brief remarks. Welcome to Secretary Mattis and General Dunford. This Committee benefits from your expertise and your candor. It has been almost 3 months since you last testified before this Committee, and there has been no shortage of world events in that short time. American missiles have targeted and struck Syrian forces. A massive ransomware cyberattack spread around the globe. North Korea has tested n… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The FY 18 Request For The U.S. Department Of Agriculture

Chairman Hoeven, congratulations on your new role leading this Subcommittee. We have worked together on the Senate Agriculture Committee, and our states understand the importance of agriculture to our economies and rural communities. Of course, as a top barley producer, North Dakota plays an important part in Vermont's award-winning craft beer industry, and as the country's top wheat producer, North Dakota grows much of the wheat that goes into the specialty flours at Vermont's King Arthur Flour… Continue Reading


Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On Hearing On FY 18 Funding Request For The U.S. Department Of Justice

Thank you, Chairman Shelby and Ranking Member Shaheen, for the opportunity to make these remarks. Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, I won't mince words: You are not the witness we were supposed to hear from today, and you are not the witness who should be sitting behind that table. That responsibility lies with the Attorney General of the United States. Attorneys General of the past did not shy away from this Committee's questions, regardless of the topic. Attorneys General of the past … Continue Reading


Leahy, Shaheen Request AG Sessions Appear Before The Appropriations Committee

WASHINGTON (Monday, June 12, 2017) -- Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Subcommittee Ranking Member Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) Monday released a letter to Senator Cochran, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Senator Shelby, Chairman of the Subcommittee of Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, asking that the hearing on the FY2018 budget request for the Department of Justice be postponed unti… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On Subcommittee Hearing To Review The President's FY 18 Funding Request For The U.S. Department Of Commerce

Secretary Ross, thank you for being here today. We have many issues to discuss, not the least of which is the topic of today's hearing - the President's budget proposal for the Department of Commerce. The request for the Department cuts nearly $1.5 billion, or 16 percent, from the FY 2017 enacted appropriations level, eviscerating popular grant, research, and state-based programs; cutting next-generation weather satellites; and failing to sufficiently invest in the 2020 Census. The administra… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On Hearing To Review The President's FY 18 Budget Request For The U.S. Department Of Housing & Urban Development

Thank you, Chairman Collins and Ranking Member Reed for holding this important hearing. I am very concerned about President Trump's budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This budget would leave low-income, elderly and disabled Americans out in the cold. It would deny shelter to victims of domestic and sexual violence. It would bring to a screeching halt programs that spur economic development and help ensure that safe, sustainable and affordable housing is available in … Continue Reading


Leahy, Reed: Trump’s Air Traffic Privatization Plan Would Sell Out America’s Airspace Safety

[WASHINGTON (Wednesday, June 7, 2017) - Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing And Urban Development And Related Agencies Jack Reed (D-R.I.) issued a joint statement on President Trump's announcement that the administration wants to privatize Air Traffic Control (ATC). The statement coincides with Wednesday's Senate Commerce Committee hearing of the Administration's perspectives on ATC privatiz… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On The Subcommittee Hearing: “A Review of the FY18 Funding Request for the Army”

Thank you, Chairman Cochran and Ranking Member Durbin, for holding this hearing. Welcome General Milley, and Acting Secretary Speer. The mission of our Army today is unique. Ongoing conflicts around the world require our military to be ready, at any moment, to defend against threats to our national security, including the extremism and violence that undermine our core values. While today we will surely discuss the shortfalls the Army is facing, I think it is important to note the Army's succ… Continue Reading


Leahy Statement On Subcommittee Hearing On The FY 2018 Budget Request For The Department Of Education

Thank you, Chairman Blunt and Ranking Member Murray, for holding this hearing today to examine the President's fiscal year 2018 budget proposal for the Department of Education. I appreciate the opportunity to make a few brief opening remarks. Unfortunately, the President's proposed budget displays a fundamental lack of understanding of the role of government of, by, and for the people, in supporting the middle class, lifting up the most vulnerable among us, and serving our values and interests… Continue Reading


Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy On President Trump’s Plan To End Funding For International Family Planning

Mr. President, there are far too many illogical, arbitrary, and harmful cuts in spending, and wholly unbalanced priorities, in the President's proposed fiscal year 2018 budget to list at one time. I will have plenty more to say about that in the weeks and months ahead. But I do want to take a moment to highlight one, as it illustrates the foolhardy way this Administration has sought to appease right-wing ideologues rather than do what is truly in the national interest. For fiscal year 2017, t… Continue Reading


Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy Floor Statement On The Trump Budget

Yesterday, we received President Trump's first budget submission. He calls it "A New Foundation for American Greatness." This could not be further from the truth. Instead of building a foundation for the American people, it pulls the rug out from under them. The President's budget displays a fundamental lack of understanding of the role of government of, by and for the people in supporting the middle class, lifting up the most vulnerable among us and serving our values and interests as a na… Continue Reading

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