
Statement Of Vice Chairman Leahy (D-Vt) On Passage Of The Continuing Resolution

Fully funding the federal government through December 20 will allow Congress to continue to negotiate in good faith and complete the fiscal year 2020 appropriations process.  Importantly, this bill provides the necessary funds to carry out the decennial census, a pay raise for the women and men of our military, and blocks a looming and devastating cut to an important infrastructure program that every state in our country relies on.    

At stake in the coming weeks are decisions on how to invest American taxpayer dollars in the education of our children, cutting edge medical research, environmental programs, veterans’ care, national security, and workforce development – just to name a few.  These are not decisions that should be left on autopilot and controlled by perpetual continuing resolutions. 

Chairman Shelby, Chairwoman Lowey, Ranking Member Granger and I have proven we can get the job done and will continue to work together on a path forward.  I am confident, that when we in Congress put aside our partisan politics and chose substance over symbolism, we can complete our work on behalf of the American people.  It is what we were elected to do, and the American people deserve no less. 

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