Minority News Releases

March 2014
Tribute to U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Shelby: Sequestration is No Solution to Our Spending Problem
Shelby Statement on Commerce Department Budget
Shelby: NASA Must Focus on SLS
Shelby Statement Highlights Controversies Engulfing DOJ and Attorney General Holder
Shelby: Spending Bills Must Conform to Law
Labor-HHS Bill Should Not Fund Failures of Obamacare
Shelby Statement on Commerce Justice Science Funding Bill
Shelby Statement on CJS, DHS Appropriations Markup
Shelby: Appropriation Bills Must Conform to Budget Control Act Limit
Shelby: Defense Bill Should Not Exceed Budget Control Act Limit
February 2014
Chairwoman Mikulski Supports Senate Amendment To House Continuing Resolution
Shelby Statement on Appropriations Markups
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