Minority News Releases


FY2020 CJS Appropriations Bill Advanced by Subcommittee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) today approved a $70.833 billion funding bill to support law enforcement, economic prosperity, scientific research, space exploration, and other national priorities.

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FY2020 Interior, Environment Appropriations Bill Approved by Subcommittee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies today approved a $35.8 billion measure to fund the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Forest Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Indian Health Service, and other agencies.  An additional $2.25 billion for wildfire suppression activities made available by the wildfire cap adjustment is also included.

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Appropriations Schedule for the Week of September 23, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The following is the schedule for the Senate Committee on Appropriations for the week of September 23, 2019.


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Senate Committee Advances FY2020 Financial Services & General Government Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the Senate Appropriations Committee voted to advance the FY2020 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, which funds the U.S. Treasury Department, the Executive Office of the President, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and numerous independent agencies, including the Small Business Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the General Services Administration.  

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Senate FY2020 Agriculture Appropriations Bill Gains Committee Approval

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved the FY2020 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies appropriations.  The legislation, which will support federal agriculture and nutrition programs in FY2020, recommends $151.7 billion in discretionary and mandatory funding, which is $87 million below the FY2019 enacted level.  

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FY2020 T-HUD Appropriations Bill Advanced by Senate Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Appropriations today advanced the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (T-HUD) appropriations legislation.  The measure provides funding to improve transportation infrastructure development, housing assistance, and community development.

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Shelby Highlights Urgent Need to Advance FY2020 Process Together

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) today convened a full committee markup for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 appropriations process, during which the Committee will consider the FY2020 bills for the Appropriations Subcommittees on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; and Financial Services and General Government.  Chairman Shelby stressed the urgent need to fund our military and, again, encouraged his colleagues to honor the agreed-upon terms of the budget deal negotiated by Republicans and Democrats.

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Shelby Urges Members to Adhere to Budget Deal, Support Essential Funding for Military

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) today delivered remarks on the Senate floor prior to the procedural vote on whether to consider H.R. 2740, the first package of Fiscal Year 2020 (FY2020) spending bills passed by the House of Representatives, which includes measures for the Appropriations Subcommittees on Defense; Energy and Water Development; State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs; and Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies.  Chairman Shelby urged his Senate colleagues to honor the terms of the bipartisan budget deal and work together to prevent unnecessary delays in funding for our men and women in uniform protecting us around the globe. 

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Shelby Encourages Colleagues to Honor Terms of Budget Deal, Move Forward Together in Funding Government

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the Senate will vote on whether to consider the first package of Fiscal Year 2020 (FY2020) spending bills passed by the House of Representatives, which includes measures for the Appropriations Subcommittees on Defense; Energy and Water Development; State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs; and Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies.  

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Blunt Releases FY2020 Labor, HHS, & Education Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Appropriations today released the FY2020 subcommittee chairman’s recommendation for the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) Appropriations bill.

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Graham Releases FY2020 State & Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Appropriations today released the subcommittee chairman’s recommendation for the FY2020 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, which provides funding to strengthen federal programs and operations that support national security and American values abroad. 

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Appropriations Subcommittee Advances FY2020 Agriculture Measure

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies today approved a $151.7 billion appropriations bill to support federal agriculture and nutrition programs in FY2020.

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Senate Financial Services Subcommittee Advances FY2020 Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government today approved its FY2020 spending bill, which funds the U.S. Treasury Department, the Executive Office of the President, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and numerous independent agencies, including the Small Business Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the General Services Administration.

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Subcommittee Approves FY2020 Transportation, HUD Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (T-HUD) Appropriations Subcommittee today approved its FY2020 appropriations bill with funding to advance transportation infrastructure development, housing assistance, and community development.

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Appropriations Schedule for the Week of September 16, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The following is the schedule for the Senate Committee on Appropriations for the week of September 16, 2019.

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FY2020 Energy & Water Development Appropriations Bill Advanced by Full Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.  The legislation funds U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs, including national nuclear security and energy research and development, as well as important infrastructure projects administered by the Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation.

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Appropriations Committee Advances FY2020 Defense Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Appropriations today approved its FY2020 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, which makes essential investments in our military and supports programs necessary to protect critical interests of U.S. national security. 

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Senate Appropriations Committee Approves FY2020 Subcommittee Allocations

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Appropriations today approved Chairman Richard Shelby’s (R-Ala.) Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 subcommittee allocation proposal during the first full committee markup.  Consistent with the 2019 Bipartisan Budget Agreement, the FY2020 allocations total $666.5 billion in defense funding, $621.5 billion in non-defense funding, and $79.5 billion in funding for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO).

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Shelby Stresses Importance of Adherence to Budget Agreement During FY2020 Appropriations Markup

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) today convened the first full committee markup for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 appropriations process.  During the meeting, the Committee members are slated to consider the 302(b) subcommittee allocations, the FY2020 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, and the FY2020 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act.  

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Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Advances FY2020 Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense today advanced its FY2020 funding bill, which makes important investments in our military and supports programs necessary to protect critical interests of U.S. national security.

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